Sunday Photo - South Carolina Sunset

South Carolina Sunset, North Charleston, South Carolina

The Story of the Photo
The Sunday Photo for February 23, 2020; is "South Carolina Sunset". This photo was captured in the town of North Charleston, South Carolina during the Winter of 2018. I truly like shooting scenic sunset landscapes, and they are very beautiful. In order in catch a sunset, you have to be at the right place, and the right time.

I like going to South Carolina, not just the culture and history. I like the beautiful sunsets, both on the beach, a river, or on a lake. It does not matter what season it is, there is always a beautiful sunset to observe.

On every Sunday, I will be doing a Sunday Photo of my choice, and picking. I will be talking about each photo, and tell the story about it.

About Getting the Shot
As I was getting the camera ready, to get the shot. I waited about a minute or two, to see if any new colors would emerge, and it did; more colors did change. I got my shot, of the Ashley River in the foreground, and the beautiful sunset in the background. It's not something you see, everyday.

The Closing
Sunset Landscape photography, can be a very challenging think. The reason why, is the light is always changing, about every 30 seconds or sometimes even less. The type of camera you use, is a major factor. It is better o use a Full frame camera, which has more megapixels, and they take in more light. Which the more light, the better the image comes out.

One of these days, I will go back to South Carolina. South Caroline, is full of natural beauty, beautiful scenic landscapes, and majestic sunsets, and sunrises. Thank you for reading, and enjoying this article, about the South Carolina Sunset. Come back, and enjoy the next Sunday on March 1, 2020.
